Genetically-Engineered Trees: A “Cure” Worse Than the Disease

Genetically-Engineered Trees: A “Cure” Worse Than the Disease

A fight is underway to stop the the aggressive planting of genetically-modified trees not only in Brazil, but all over the world. (Image: Stop GE Trees)On Thursday, the Brazilian Landless Workers Movement, MST, made it quite clear that they, along with groups all over the world, soundly reject genetically engineered trees. Futuragene, a company owned by Suzano, one of Brazil’s largest pulp producers, had recently applied for commercial release of a GE eucalyptus. A decision by the country’s biosafety commission, CTNBio, was expected to take place. Over the past week, groups around the world organized and participated in an “emergency day of action” standing vigil outside of Brazilian embassies urging that GE trees not be approved.